
After Diving


1An ascent to shallower than 1.2m/4ft means the display changes to surface mode. This display shows the max-depth, present depth, dive time, personal attitude and temperature.


2The airplane symbol on the left indicates you should not fly (or ascend to altitude). The exact no-fly time remaining can be checked, as described in the next few steps.


3The diver attention symbol indicates that surface interval time should be prolonged.


4If the display shows the error symbol it means you violated the decompression ceiling for more than 3 minutes. The device will be locked for 48h.


5Whilst in surface mode you can also press TIME to change the display.


6The middle display now changes to show surface time. The bottom right display now shows the current time. press TIME again to change the display.


7The middle display changes to now show hours/minutes until its safe to fly. Press TIME again to return to first surface mode screen.


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